Sensory Salon


Our sense of sight is responsible for most of the information we absorb from our five senses. Our eyes are not just performing a task, they are a portal through which our brain can tell us about our world. 

When I was a young girl my mother used to say that I was full of wonderment! Everything I saw just utterly amazed me. Even now, I always catch the little details.

Two visual artists for this month are featured here.

We know media is a huge source of erotica, so I want to share with you some of my favorite movies that may not be as mainstream but offer a really steamy alternative to what you may be watching currently. This months movie is FUR with Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr. 


On Instagram follow @Fofobeijinho, a digital artist who creates incredibly suggestive art that just draws you in.

Thomas Rowlandson’s art is considered forbidden. He was an English Artist from the Georgian Era whose pieces make me howl with laughter, and also get me saying “oh! I want to do that!” What I love most about his art is that it’s real, these images are not constructed from his  imagination, this eroticism was happening.  Click the image to view more.


Why is scent so important? Well, scent bypasses the thalamus and goes straight to the brain’s center which is the olfactory bulb. This bulb is directly connected to the hippocampus which is why scent can trigger a memory or invoke a powerful emotion.  Walking into a florist, a library, or your house when a meal is being prepared; can you smell it? Smell the light floral notes, the smell of all the books, or your favorite dinner awaiting you! Scent is powerful. It can light up a memory, or seal one in. It can be the very pull toward something, or what keeps us away.

I remember walking through the cobblestone side streets of Florence, Italy and I could smell it, before I saw it. Aqua Flor. The perfumery. It smelt like my dreams, and my great grandmothers bedroom. While they may be a little pricey it is hands down my favorite perfume brand. A little goes a long way! I still have a bottle from 2017!

I promise their website and story will make you float just like pepe le pew does with love!


Candles are another big one for me. In my house, and at my studio there are a plethora of candles going! Recently I was gifted a candle from Mythologie Candles for my birthday, and honestly, I know this sounds dramatic, but it was life changing! The wood wick, the crackling, the scent that permeated just enough. UGH- divine! Plus the names and collections of their candles are cheeky and fun.

So far my favorite is The Alchemist! Would love to know which one lights you up.



Hearing gives us the ability to connect to the world, and maintain connections. It makes it possible for us to engage, laugh and resonate with another person. This is why music is the highest art form, sound reaches our brain faster than sight, and it can vibrationally shift us. 

LISTEN - My friend Mary’s voice is so utterly relaxing and sensual. I would love her to be the narrator of my whole life! AND her podcast is called: Come To Your Senses! It couldn’t be more perfect! You can find the link to her latest episode The Art of Self Romance to the right, but I invite you to listen to them all!



As I said, music is the highest art form, and it can invoke all sorts of feelings. I have sad, angry, uplifting, and sexy playlists!

I find listening to music that is suiting my emotions helps me move through them much easier. To the left you can find a playlist I made to help you drop into your body.



Taste serves two functions, it enables us to evaluate food, and decide what we want to consume. It also influences how efficiently we digest food. Taste is discerning and will lead you straight to pleasure.

Growing up Italian I was always blessed with the most flavorful, decadent meals. My grandmothers would spend hours in the kitchen cooking each day. On weekends it was what I loved to see my mother doing most. Everywhere we look we see recipes that say, “quick and easy”, “15 minute meal”, and while I have definitely utilized those (and probably still will at times) this is an opportunity to say…maybe one day a week I make a meal from scratch…I take my time, I lick my fingers while I am cutting all the delicious ingredients.

Try it on, and see if it tastes any better.

What Makes a Food an Aphrodisiac?

Foods that stimulate blood flow (this includes your loins), increase your energy, and boost your mood are considered to increase sexual desire. Many of these foods have other health benefits such as they are natural anti-inflammatories and antidepressants.

What Foods Are Aphrodisiacs?

The foods listed below have been known to stimulate your desire and enhance pleasure:

Meat, asparagus, artichokes, arugula, shellfish and seafood (particularly oysters), chocolate, nuts, red wine, champagne, garlic, celery, apples, bananas, cherries, coffee, pomegranates, walnuts, chilies, strawberries, figs, ginger, truffles, sweet potatoes, honey, pumpkin, watermelon, and avocado. Some herbs such as saffron, basil, cinnamon, ginseng, vanilla, fenugreek and Maca pack a powerful pleasure punch as well. 



    Cook 4 bone in pork chops in oil for 10-12 minutes, turning only once so they have a nice sexy sear. Remove the pork from the pan and add 1/2 cup of chicken stock/broth, 1/4 fig jam, 3tbsp grainy mustard. Season with Salt and Pepper. Cook for 3-5 minutes stirring slowly. Top the pork with the mustard and fig sauce. Serve with steamed Asparagus and wild rice.


    Place 4 fillets of salmon (or fish of your choosing), in 4 individual foil sheets. Brush ever so gently each piece of fish with hoisin sauce, then sprinkle each with red pepper flakes. Lightly toss cauliflower florets with some oil and salt. Arrange the cauliflower lovingly around each fillet. Cook for 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Dress the fish with chopped walnuts.


    Preheat oven to 325. Line a 9x9 baking pan with foil, and grease it. In a bowl stir together 1 1/2 cups flour, 1tsp baking powder, sprinkle of salt. In a large bowl beat 1/2 cup of butter (softened), for 30 seconds. Add 3/4 brown sugar, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar. Beat these with the butter until merged beautifully. Add 2 eggs, 2 tsp vanilla. Fold in flour mixture until combined, and add 1/2 cup of macadamia nuts. Spread 1/2 of the batter into the pan, than add large drops of lemon curd from a 1 10oz jar. Top with the remaining batter and swirl a knife through the batter to create a marble effect. Bake for 30 minutes.


Touch activates the body’s vagus nerve which is intimately connected with our compassionate response. The vagus nerve is the nerve that extends from the brain to the belly and passes our beautiful heart along the way.

Touch is one of my favorite senses! So it is no surprise that for this months kickoff I would put massage and a sensuous lubricant as my go-tos! Foria’s lubricant has intensified my orgasms unlike any other lubricant. I even use it to massage as well. With massage you touch the body yes, but you also calm the mind, and heal the spirit.

To the right you will find a video of a lovely sensual massage, that includes hair brushing, scalp and shoulder massage. 


You will be able to find archives of all of our monthly Sensory Salon features on our Sensual Sources page as time goes by!