
For two bodies to be attuned to each other two things have to happen:

🍇 Kinesthetic Awareness: You sense how your body relates to its environment- in this case another body.

🍇 Proprioception: you know how to control your body’s movements.

These skills involve the ability to sense your own body in space and time. Even when you’re blindfolded you can sense that your arm is above your head right?

When it comes to sex both of these skills come in to play. It is not about function or dysfunction but rather about the ability for two bodies to find and relate to each other.

Proprioception gives you the sense of how to move your arms when you want to kiss your partner.
Kinesthetic awareness lets you know how far you need to move and what the strength of your kiss needs to be so that the recipient gets the smooch that you intended!

I know, it sounds super boring, and scientific. Well, sometimes sex and intimacy is an experiment! Picture being in the most sensual, boundless lab you have ever seen. And it’s your body!

How attuned to your own body are you?
Do you ever feel like you and your partner aren’t attuned to your highest desire?

A great place to start is first, with yourself. Understanding the yes and no of your sensual body, that actual physical reaction… a heart pound, a belly drop, a tingle..

It’s Friday loves, and I suggest spending some time this week getting in tune 💋

Email: for couples sex and intimacy coaching, or for 1:1.


Sexual Self Esteem