Trust & Sex

Trust & Sex
These two things go hand in hand. There are so many things that you need to trust when you are engaging in sensual and sexual play.
💋 that your pleasure is safe
💋 connection without exploitation
💋 that your partner is telling the truth when it comes to what feels good, or what they want

But the most important one is:
💋 trusting yourself
When you cannot fully trust yourself you cannot trust your partner or sex in general.

Being firm in your no’s is the only thing that makes your yes worth a damn. Trusting that your expression during each interaction can vary, and each one is divine in its own way.
Trusting that you know the pathway to your own pleasure if you just slow down and feel more.

How much or how little do you trust yourself sexually? Notice how this manifests into your sex life with a partner or on your own!



